EVERTON BOARD OF ALDERMEN Monday, April 09,2018 Regular Meeting First Draft

April 24, 2018

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Wilson at 7:06 P.M. Roll Call Vote: Jack Evans-present, Norman Wilson-present, Glen Miller-absent, and Doris Hessel-present at 7:06pm.

• Mayor Norm Wilson Stated that before he started with the tentative agenda that he had serval times in the past two weeks tried to get ahold of Alderman Miller President of the Board and left messages for Miller to co-sign the payroll checks and got no response. Mayor Wilson then stated that he decided to have Jammie Nichols the City Clerk sign the payroll checks and that Wilson made notes of it and are in the files.
• Mayor Wilson stated that he had left messages for Chief Woods Thursday night because the City had problems come up last week. Mayor Wilson asked the citizens and the Board if they were aware of the incident. Most did not and at that time Marchelle Roe citizen of Everton spoke up and stated that there was a dangerous dog at large in town. Mrs. Roe then stated the dog was picked up by Chief Woods and then dropped off just outside of town. Mayor Wilson stated that he had been trying to get ahold of Chief Woods called five times since Monday night with no response. Mayor Wilson stated that because of everything that has transpired he was going to terminate Chief Woods Friday night April 6, 2018 at 5:00 PM but if Woods wanted to resign for him to turn in his credentials and badge and that the Mayor would accept that as a resignation. Mayor Wilson then stated that since Chief Woods followed through with the Mayors request that Wilson will accept Woods resignation and that he is no longer the Chief of police for the City of Everton. Alderman Evans made a motion to accept Woods resignation. Alderwoman Hessel Seconded. Vote: 2 Aye No Nay. Motion Carried. Alderwoman Hessel asked Mayor Wilson if he had herd anymore about that dog and Wilson stated no there has not.
• Mayor Wilson asked if Connie Knackstedt, Rita Prichard and Brandon Smith to come up to the podium to be sworn into office. Jammie Nichols City Clerk asked Brandon to raise his right hand and repeat after her. Jammie then read the Oath of Office pertaining to Mayor for the City of Everton. Brandon Smith repeated the Oath to Jammie and the Board. Jammie asked Rita Prichard and Connie Knackstedt to raise their right hand and repeat after her. Jammie then read the Oath of Office pertaining to Alderman for the City of Everton. Rita and Connie repeated the Oath to Jammie and the Board.

1. Closed Session: Pursuant to RSMo 610.021.3 Personnel and RSMo 610.021.1 Legal. At. 7:12 PM Alderwoman Hessel made the motion to go into closed session. Alderman Evans Seconded. Roll Call Jack Evans, Aye; Miller, absent; Hessel, Aye; Motion Carries. Half way through the closed session Mayor Wilson ask the new members of Board Brandon Smith, Connie Knackstedt and Rita Prichard to be a part of the closed session

At 7:28 P.M Alderman Evans made the motion to go back into open session. Alderwoman Hessel Seconded. Roll Call Vote Evans, Aye; Hessel, Aye; Miller, absent;

• Mayor Wilson Mayor Wilson stated that in close session the Board voted for Jammie Nichols City Clerk $1.00 raise on her ​pay. Alderwoman Hessel made the motion to increase Jammie pay by $1.00. Alderman Evans Seconded. Vote: 42 Ayes No Nay. Motion Carried.

• Mayor Wilson stated that he caught the new up Board on everything that has been going on and what he has done. Wilson stated that Mike Kelly our State Representative has been a great help. Mayor Wilson stated that he has talked to the Missouri Attorney General Office and Missouri Office of Auditor about getting the City of Everton a audit that isn’t $30000.00 because Wilson stated that he did believes that the City needs an audit. Citizen Marchelle Roe spoke up asking Wilson if he wanted an audit done because speculation of misappropriation of funds. Mayor Wilson answered yes that is why he wanted an audit done. Mayor Wilson stated that for example: time the City had the town GPS for $4400.00 and it was never approved by the Board. Mayor Wilson stated that the city had more evidence to permit an audit.  

2. Unfinished Business:

A. Water System Planning Grant. ​Ida Jett the City’s Public Works Director stated that she wanted to introduce the Board to Kristina Hartley from Midwest Assistance Program which is funded be Federal State Government through grants. Kristina stated that she has been a water and waste water operator for many years she is also back flow inspector certified. Kristina stated that she has been working for Midwest Assistance Program for 10 years and since then she has been serving small communities like Everton. Kristina stated that what she does is provided service to small utilities at no cost to the utility’s because our infrastructure underserved in the economically small challenged communities at no cost to the City. Kristina stated that the company she works for also will do rate studies, paperwork and budgets at no cost to the City. Kristina stated that all the studies are designed to let the City know how the system is operating if the City is operating in the red or black and adjust to educate the Board. Kristina stated that her job is to protect the City, Board members and the community from everything. Kristina stated that she will help go through the design and make sure the City is not being taken for even $1.00 that the City doesn’t need to spend. Kristina stated that she came back to work the City because Ida came back to work for the City of Everton and that it has been awesome to watch Ida grow as an operator. Ida stated that Kristina has been helping with the City’s Water and Waste Water Grants. Ida stated that Andy from Anderson Engineering will be attending the City’s May meeting. Ida stated that Andy will let the Board know exactly where the City stands with the Grants. Ida stated that she found out that the City has $40,000.00 in a Waste Water grant through DNR for the Waste Water study. Kristina stated that the next step in the grant process is for the Board to approve the project, the project cost and what can be added and taken away. Kristina stated that after that point if the Board is interested she would create a bond brochure and that it would basically be there for to inform the public of the need for the project and the cost of the project. Kristina then stated that the community would then have to vote for the project and that it would have to start soon to be on the November ballet or if not, the City would have to wait a year from now. Alderman Evans stated that it might be better to wait for the new Board members so that the new members have a say in it also. Ida then stated that Andy will not be here until Mays meeting for that reason. Kristina stated that Andy is an engineer the she helped bring on board for this project but regardless to any of that her job is to protect Everton. Kristina stated that if anyone had any questions to give her a call.

B. Waste Water System Planning Grant.  See item A.

C. Fence at Water Tower for 911 Box. Ida stated that she still needs poles, concrete and railings to keep the fence standing. Ida stated that the fire Chief Jim Hankins brought by a race brothers ad with a dog kennel for $229.00. Ida stated that the dog kennel was what 911 wanted to put around their box. 
Alderman Evans asked Ida if the dog kennel would meet the 911 guidelines that they are asking to City to
do. Ida stated yes it would. 

D. Degreaser. Mayor Wilson ask Ida if she had been in touch with Glean Miller about the degreaser. Ida stated no and that she would like the Board to approve sending a certified letter stating that the City needs either the product or reimbursed. Alderman Evans made a motion for the City to send a certified letter to Glean Miller. Alderwoman Hessel second. Vote: 2 Ayes No Nay. Motion Carried.

Spoke person for Connie Knackstedt asked Ida what the degreaser was used for. Ida stated that the City had used it for buildup of grease in the sewer system tanks.

Ida stated that she prefers not to use the degreaser because it needs to be used in a well-ventilated area 

and she hangs half in the tanks and she doesn’t have the proper equipment to use the degreaser. Ida 

stated that she only like using dawn at the sewer treatment plant. Kona asked Ida if she knows of 

how much more degreaser Miller still has that belongs to the City. Ida stated that she does not have 

inventory of what has been brought to the City or what is left to be delivered. Ida stated that all the City has is a canceled check of when the degreaser was purchased. Ida stated that she had made Miller a copy of the canceled check and placed it in his box at city hall. Jammie stated that Miller did pick up his letter and that he was trying to get the City an invoice and a count of how many gallons of degreaser the City still has at his shop in Springfield.

At 7:44 P.M. Alderman Evans made a motion to adjourn. Alderwoman Hessel Seconded. Vote: 2 Ayes, No, Nays. Motion Carried

Mayor Wilson asked for the new Board members to take their seats at the Board table and at that time Wilson stepped down as Mayor and Brando Smith stepped in as Mayor. 

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Smith at 7:45 P.M. Roll Call Vote: Jack Evans-present, Doris Hessel-present, Brandon Smith- present, Connie Knackstedt-present, Rita Prichard-present at 7:45 PM.


• Mayor Smith stated that the Board need to elect a new President for the Board which would be acting Mayor if the Mayor wasn’t able to be at the meeting. Alderwoman Hessel stated that Evans has had the most experience on the Board and that she would suggest him. Citizen Marshall Roe asked Evans if would be available during the week to sign cheeks. Alderman Evans stated yes, he would be available after 4:30PM when he gets off work from Springfield. Evans stated that he could also sign the payroll checks Thursday evening, so personnel could have their checks Friday morning. Mayor Smith asked Jammie if he and the new president of the board would need to sign new signature cards for the bank and if the City would need something stating there is a new Mayor and president of the Board. Jammie stated that yes, they would have to sign new signature cards at the bank and have something stating they are the new acting Mayor and President. Mayor Smith stated that Connie is in town all day most days. Alderman Evans ask Alderwoman Knackstedt if she would be willing to be President since she would be more available. Alderwoman Knackstedt stated that would not have a problem acting as President of the Board. Aldermen Evans made a motion for Alderwoman Knackstedt to be the new President of the Board. Alderwoman Prichard seconded. Vote: 4 Ayes, No Nays. Motion Carried.

• Mayor Smith stated that he had been in contact with the City’s attorney Paul Link. Smith stated that Paul Link did advice the City go on a spending freeze unless it has anything to do with daily operation and that no one go through the books until an audit was completed. Paul Link has recommended an audit take place. Smith stated that he has contacted Lisa Officer from a CPA firm and that their company could start an audit mid-May of a cost of around $10,000.00. Smith stated that the City could possibly get bound money back on the $10,000.00. Alderman Evans stated that he understands that the City needs an audit but that the City just doesn’t have the $10,000.00. Ida asked if the City had the money left in salaries and Mayor Smith stated that yes there is some left in salaries and some in reserves. Mayor Smith stated that the City could possibly get an audit through the state that is no cost to the City, but it could be 6 to 8 months before they could get started. Ida then asked Mayor Smith if the City would be on a spending freeze for 6 to 8 months’ time. Smith replied yes, and that the City didn’t have to be on a spending freeze but that’s what Paul Link the City’s attorney advised because the more the City Spends the more the auditor will have to go through. Alderman Evans stated that if the Board could figure out a way to pay for the audit that Mayor Smith is suggesting that he personally doesn’t have a problem with it that it is just the money aspect of it. Mayor Smith stated that the audit is something that the Board could table for a few weeks and then have a special meeting about the audit then. Smith Stated that he wanted the Board to understand the longer the City waits the longer the City is on a spending freeze. Mayor Smith asked to Board if they wanted to table the conversation of paying the $10,000.00 to have the audit done for a couple weeks so that the Board can have time to look over the budget to see if the City can get the funds to pay for the audit. Alderwoman Knackstedt made the motion the go forth and hire Officer CPA Firm for an audit as soon as possible. Alderman Evans second. Vote: 4 Ayes No Nay. Motion Carried.

• Mayor Smith stated that from what he understands that the City does not have the accounting program that the City needs and that is something the Board needs to investigate as well. Ida and Jammie stated that the updated program the city could get was Quick Book Pro Plus and that it is $219.00 for the updated program. Citizen Konya stated that when the community was requesting for certain documents that City was unable to do so because they didn’t have the program to provide the committee with the documents they were requesting. Konya stated that from what she understood that the City was using a program that is meant for a home version not a business. Alderman Evans made the motion to pay the $219.00 and upgraded version of Quick Books Pro Plus program after the audit is completed. Alderwoman Hessel second. Vote: 4 Ayes No Nay. Motion Carried.

3. New Business: 

A. Citizen Complaint(s): ​ None 

Citizen Konya Knackstedt ask the Board now that Josh Woods is no longer the Chief of police and the City hasn’t had a citizen complaint what does the Board plan on doing about nuisance complaints turned in December of 2017 that Josh had still not done anything with last month. Konya stated that the City decided to have a letter drafted and sent out to everyone stating a committee will be putting together accessed fines and the community will need to clean properties up when weather permits before fines are established. Konya asked the Board if any of that had been done. Jammie responded that Josh had not been into work since the last meeting and as far as she know the letters have never been drafted or sent out. Konya stated that since nothing had been done and the city should just start with a clean slate and if the City is going to talk about a City wide clean up the City should get the word out about it. Konya stated that after that the Board should get together and contact other surrounding small towns and ask what your fines are pertaining to this matter and go from there. Mayor Smith stated that the City probably won’t hire a police officer until after the audit is completed. Konya stated that she understood that and that it would be May or June before the City could do any kind of clean up. Citizen Konnie Brewer spoke up asking the Board if the police officer stopped calling and coming in. Citizen Marchelle Roe spoke up stating that Josh has another job and you can’t pay a police officer $11.00 an hour and expect them to do a decent job and show up for work. Marchelle stated that she wouldn’t be a police officer for $11.00 an hour when the City payed the City clerk $3,371.00 in one month. Alderman Evans stated that he understood, and that the City is working on those issue. Evans stated that when the City advertises for a police officer that its only for 16 hours a week because that is all the City can afford right now and that the City doesn’t get applications for that reason.

B. Citizen Request to be on agenda: None received

E. 3 of 6

4. Bills to Pay. Aldermen Evans, made a motion to pay the bills. Alderwoman Hessel Seconded. Vote: 4 Ayes No Nay. Motion Carried.

5. Consent Agenda: (includes written dept. reports, minutes, payroll report, and bills not yet received but due before the next regular meeting). The New board did not have any Minutes to approve.

6. Water/Sewer Department: Ida Jett

Report: Ida Jett

A. Ida Stated that she had put information about Anderson Engineering in the Board members packet for them to look over because Andy will be attending the City’s May meeting when he will be discussing and answering questions about the water and waste water grants.

B. Ida stated that the City had received their final inspection of the City’s water tower from Utility Service. Ida stated that the inspection went very well. Ida stated that precisely the Board voted on ending the contract with Utility Service in June 2018 and start using Pittsburg Tower after that.

C. Ida informed the Board that Mark Raider with DNR done a water inspection. Ida stated that the inspection went very well but Mark had some suggestions and recommendations for the City. Ida stated that some of these issues will be done with the water upgrade through the engineering company. Ida stated that there is a line going up the stairs at the water tower that 911 is using for their new radio antenna that DNR wants moved to the back of the leg. Mayor Smith ask Ida who is reasonable for moving line. Ida stated that 911 is responsible for doing that and that she gave Fire Chief Jim Hankins the report and she said he will get it taken care of. Citizen Marshall Roe asked Ida if the City had done documentation from Chief Hankins stating that he will be taking care of that. Ida responded not yet she still has finish giving him everything. Mayor Smith ask Ida if DNR had giving the City a time line of when it need to be done. Ida stated that it should never have been done and have it done as soon as possible.
D. Ida informed the Board that the City needed to put up a fence around the 911 box at the water tower so that noting can get to it. Ida stated that she does not have all the materials to build a fence. Citizen Marchelle Roe asked the board if they know what the 911 box is used for. Mayor Smith stated that is a new read meter program that is for the fire department radios. Citizen Marshall asked if that was donated to the City and Mayor Smith responded with yes. Marchelle stated that what 911 asked us was to put a fence around it so critters can’t get to it. Ida stated that 911 has suggested that we put a dog pin like fence around it and Ida stated that the City can purchase a 10-foot-high dog kennel at Race Brothers for $229.00 which would save a lot of time and money because she doesn’t have all the materials needed to build one. Ida stated that she would like to eventually have a fence all away around the water tower and try to get the money for it on the next budget year. Alderman Evans made a motion to buy the dog kennel for $229.00. Alderman Knackstedt Seconded. Vote: 4 Ayes No Nay. Motion Carried.

E. Ida informed the Board that all the water and sewer samples are coming back great, and she has gotten all the violations taken care of.

F. Ida informed the board that she has contacted Missouri University about getting her applicator license, but they told here that roundup has came out with a new weed killer that sterilizes and kills weeds for up to 4 months that she can buy at store. Ida stated that she will use the Roundup and not get her applicator license.
G. Ida informed the Board that Empire Electric will be coming out to and fixing 8 the light poles that are out.
H. Ida Stated that with the good weather coming up that she will be fixing some pot holes with the chad rock.
I. Ida informed the Board that the City will have to wait until after the audit to have the City wide clean up because the cost will be around $2,000.00. Mayor Smith suggested that the City send out courtesy letter stating that with the warmer weather the community needs to clean up properties. Citizen Marchelle Roe suggested that to add in the letter that the City will be having a City wide clean up so start cleaning and preparing for the cleanup. Citizen Konya Knackstedt suggested the City contacting who helped Ash Grove with their City-wide cleanup to help with the heavier, bigger items. Ida informed that she has been in contact with Debbie Cox Ash Grove City clerk.

7. Street Department/General Maintenance: Ida Jett

A. Report. See item 6-H

8. Police Department: No Report

9. Park Board: Ida Jett / Jammie Nichols

A. Ida informed the Board that she had contacted David Guy to remove the big tree that is rotten at the west of the cabin at the park. Alderwoman Prichard made a motion to have David Guy remove the rotten tree at the park. Alderman Evans Seconded. Vote: 4 Ayes No Nay. Motion Carried.
B. Deposit Refund Liberty Baptist Church: Alderman Evans mad a motion to refund Liberty Baptist Church $25.00 for park rental. Alderwoman Knackstedt Seconded. Vote: 4 Ayes No Nay. Motion Carried.

10. Fire Department: Jim Hankins

A. Report. No Report

11. City Clerk: Jammie Nichols

A. Report. Jammie informed the Board that she contacted Liz Grove from Mo Rural. Jammie stated Liz is a clerk trainer and she asked Liz to come to City Hall to go over the City clerk’s duties and help with any questions she has. Jammie asked the Board if that would be ok with all the stuff going on with the audit. Mayor Smith stated that he will contact Lisa Officer and ask what Jammie and Liz can and can’t go over.

B. Report shows March payroll report and time sheet log was included in consent agenda. Gas Log P.D. $0.00 spent. Street/ Water/ Sewer / Park and City Hall $94.53 spent. Work Order Log opened 15. Work Orders Closed 15. Work orders remaining open 27. Taxes received from Dade County totaled $533.01. City Back Taxes received. $345.78. Fines received $0.00. Let-Muni received $0.00. Propane Credit Balance 490 gal.

12. Water/Sewer Department: Jammie Nichols

A. Report. Written report shows Payments received totaled $10,127.62. Delinquent amount totaled $662.14. Adjustments totaled ($1,045.47). 0 New customer(s). 1 Meter reading changes. 3 Status change(s). Total showing in the Bad Debt File $2,968.57. Citizen Konya Konya Knackstedt asked Jammie Citizen Konya Knackstedt asked what the criteria is for accounts being put into bad debt versus accounts being overdue. Jammie answered that the accounts that she put into bad debt in March 2018 have no longer had services with the City and some over a year. Jammie stated that if a customer comes into City hall and fills out the paper work for payment agreement and if they don’t pay within the signed agreement they will have their water turned off. Konya then asked Jammie the accounts that are in bad debt how did the City try to collect the payment. Jammie stated that some of those accounts were off before she started working for the City and that every month they get a bill in the mail to there last known address. Konya then asked how long does the customer must pay their bill before they get shut off. Jammie stated that they have 10 unless that have made arrangement.

13. City Attorney/Prosecutor: Paul D. Link

A. Report. No report given.

At 8:47 P.M. Alderman Evans made a motion to adjourn. Alderwoman Hessel Seconded. Vote: 4 Ayes, No, Nays. Motion Carried.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:47 P.M.

Mayor Smith took a phone poll April 10, 2018 on transferring money from general fund account to the debit card account to purchase a dog kennel for the 911 box at water tower and to allow citizen Marchelle Roe permission to work at City Hall getting records ready for the City’s audit with a City employee present 4 Aye; No Nay. See Attachment

Minutes submitted by Jammie Nichols, City Clerk